Fireworks Family Fun

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As I looked back over this past weekend, I thought about things that make the 4th of July so special. Of course, everyone’s first thoughts should go to those who have sacrificed to give us the freedoms we have today. Without the millions of soldiers who have given up so much, including so many who have given up their lives, we wouldn’t enjoy baseball and apple pie, or our freedom of religion, or the freedom to vote, or countless other freedoms that we are fortunate enough to have. We should be thankful to those men and women, not just one or two days a year, but much more than that.

As I thought about those individuals who have secured our freedom and how thankful we should be, my mind drifted to another man who made a sacrifice. His sacrifice wasn’t just for America, it was for all. He died, and lucky for us, He rose again three days later. He also did this for freedom – the freedom he secured for us from sin. Funny thing is, we often take this for granted, just like we do our freedoms here in the States. Sure, we celebrate His sacrifice one Sunday in spring, but shouldn’t we be thanking Him daily? Without the sacrifice He made, everything else is for naught. I know as I thought about Independence Day and reflected, this realization hit me right between the eyes, and I know I should be paying the Lord much more gratitude for what He did for me than I am.

Of course, being thankful isn’t the only thing happening this past weekend. Many of us, myself included, spent time with family and friends. This past weekend has to be the biggest weekend for backyard barbecues in the calendar year and considering what was happening last year at this time, there were probably even more than usual. My mind drifted to my older brother, Steve, who was not with me this past weekend, but recently returned to his home in Texas after spending five days with my family and me. All of my adult life, my brother has lived in Texas. Even with the distance between us, he is someone whom I have looked up to and has been a mentor for me throughout the years. However, there have been times in the 35 plus years that he has lived in the Lone Star state when we have lost touch. You know how it goes…life gets busy, you’re dealing with this and that, and you don’t pick up the phone or send that text and before you know it, it’s been six months, a year. But here’s the funny thing: even when that has happened, we always reconnect, usually with promises that it won’t happen again, and always like it never happened. What I mean by that is we just pick back up, we catch up, and we are as close as close can be because we are important to each other and we love each other.

As I thought about this and how I wish my brother was here for fireworks and hamburgers, I realized that I have gone through several times in my relationship with God in the exact same way. How many times have I gotten busy with this and that and put God on the shelf? Too many to count. It has happened to me several times throughout my life and I would suspect I’m not alone. But what really struck me is how the relationship with God is like the relationship with my brother. God is willing to pick back up, catch up and be as close as a parent, brother, friend. He longs to have that relationship with us because He loves us and no matter how many times we get too busy, He’s there when we come back.

What would a reflection about the 4th be without thinking about the fireworks? For many, it is often their favorite part of the weekend. I think if my wife could see a fireworks display once a week for the whole year, she’d be tickled pink. We went to three amazing firework shows, my son and I shot off some of our own, and we generally had a great time celebrating the 4th through the amazement of colors and sounds. One thing we love to do as a family is tell each other what our favorite firework in the display was, like those huge cascading shower ones. We are always looking for things we haven’t seen before, that uniqueness. Every year those firework makers don’t fail, as there always seems to be something new and fresh to the display. This year it was the pink and green combo.

As I sat waiting for the last display of the weekend to start, I looked up at the sky and noticed the array of stars. Now we hear that the county has so much artificial light that it keeps us from seeing so many of the stars, but have you ever been out West or maybe just somewhere in the woods? Those stars – wow! – how God puts on a display for us every single night! On top of that, just look around at the different explosions of color as flowers bloom, or when fall comes and the leaves change. God was the definitely the first firework creator, and we are lucky enough to have a display every day. I realized it is something I take for granted and I’m missing out. I spend a weekend marveling at a 15-minute extravaganza when, if I’d let myself take notice, I could have that same wonder and awe every day.

I hope you had a great 4th and I hope my rambling reflections helped you in your day. Until next time, God bless.

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