Fighting Fear

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Read Time:5 Minute, 18 Second

I try to start each morning with a short devotional and then some time in prayer. It seems to get my day headed in the right direction, and it ensures that I get something from God’s word every day. I probably could use more, but at least I am getting a small amount each day, which I know God can use in my life. Case in point, the other day 2 Timothy 1:7 was part of my morning devotional time.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.” (NLT)

I read that verse, and then I read it again. Then I went and grabbed my journal and wrote it down. Why did this verse grab me so? Why am I taking the time to write about it? Well, it’s the words used in the verse. As an English teacher, I can’t help but appreciate the importance of words, and the ones used in this verse just spoke to me.

The first two words mentioned are what God has not given us. In fact, some may say they are the opposite of God. They are part of the Devil’s toolbox, however, and he uses them against us all the time. Fear and timidity are some of a Christian’s worst enemies. We let them creep into our minds and actions (or lack thereof), as Satan loves to plant little fear seeds and watch them grow. But as Timothy told us, fear and timidity do not come from God!

Rather, God gives us a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. These three words fly in the face of the previous two. Yet how often do we let those underdogs win the fight in our own lives? A spirit of power should empower us to do all things through Christ our Lord: take that new job, step out on that mission field, talk to that intimidating person, or whatever else we need God’s spirit of power to help us accomplish. Often, however, we let that fear or timid attitude creep in and tell us that we can’t. Instead of relying on His power, we think things like, we don’t have the experience, what would our friends think, we can’t afford to do that, they’ll think I’m stupid…whatever the sentence is, it acts like kryptonite to Superman. That green rock brings the Man of Steel to his knees, and fear does the same to us. It keeps us from having the power that God intended us to have.

God’s love should also pour from our spirit. Love is all over God’s word: love the Lord your God, love thy neighbor, love the church, love each other, or simply, “whoever does not love, does not know God, because God is love” (1 John 4:8). God wants us to love; He gave us a spirit to love, but how often do we let shyness or the fear of being rejected get in the way of His love? That person next door who has cancer and could use neighborly love, but the fear of not knowing what to say or do keeps you away. The student who is sitting by themselves because they don’t have friends, but the fear of what others might think keeps you from approaching. Or maybe it’s your own child sitting in his bedroom buried in a screen and the voice inside your head tells you, “he doesn’t want to be bothered by me,” and the fear of rejection rears its ugly head. God’s spirit of love runs rampant through you; don’t put it in a cage of fear and timidity. Love like God intended you to love.

The last thing Timothy talks about is a spirit of self-discipline. This is a tricky one. It is kind of tied to that first word power, but often power is an outward expression, like stepping out onto that mission field. Usually when the spirit of power is at work, people around you can see this happening. With self-discipline, this isn’t always the case. They may see the aftereffect, but the work of self-discipline takes place inside of us. However, Timothy tells us we have that spirit. God has enabled us – to not buy that vape, to not click on that website, to not use that word whenever we get mad, to start every day with Him, to get out of bed on Sunday morning, to eat better and get up off the couch. Whatever it is that you are battling with, God has given you the spirit to overcome it. Of course the fear of not having that nicotine to “relax,” or of what my buddies will think if I’m not dropping the F bomb, and so many more, attack our spirit. Too often, we cower and crumble under the weight of the fear that Satan places on our head. But God, who is faithful to His promises, has given you a spirit of self-discipline! So, what are you waiting for? That ability to have that self-discipline you’ve longed for is guaranteed by your heavenly Father.

Of course, it is not without God’s help that we can overcome fear and timidity on a daily basis. Satan will keep bombarding us with fear grenades, and the only way we can deflect them is through prayer and God’s word. We can’t enjoy the spirit of power, love, and self-discipline minus the one who gave us that spirit, and the only way to have that closeness with Him is to spend time in prayer and in His word.

Trust me when I say that all of what I’ve put onto this page is for me as much as anyone else. In the last year, I have gone through some tumultuous times in my own life with some health issues and heartache and despair within my family. There have been some dark days. As I read this verse, I realized that too often I was letting fear win. I was crippling the spirit that the Lord had gifted to me, a spirit of power, love, and self-discipline. I pray that this verse lives within my heart and acts as a reminder on those cloudy days, and I pray the same for you. Until next time, God bless.

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7 thoughts on “Fighting Fear

  1. Excellent blog article. I love to read when you write. God is blessing you and those who are reading your message. I love you son and I’m very proud of this endeavor.

  2. I absolutely love this! I have MS and everyone I know always asks me, “aren’t you afraid? I would be constantly freaking out!” I respond with, “no… not at all….. this is God’s plan and he’s got me, He will carry me through!”

  3. Excellect start for each day.!!! Noah, you have a special talent for Jesus.!! Please continue using your gift for writing from God. I love you and am so very proud of you my grandson !!!!! Grandma Lou

  4. Great read Noah, I would like to add judgement into Satan’s hand. He uses that on us everyday. How we judge others based on our beliefs, not always on Gods beliefs.

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