Just Do It

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Sitting in church Sunday morning, the pastor spoke of neuroplasticity, which is the brain’s ability to form new neural connections throughout life. In more simple terms, it is the ability to start new habits and break old ones, no matter how old you are. In other words, you can teach an old dog new tricks. This reminded me of an article I was reading earlier in the week.

As a softball coach, I am always looking for new ways to help my players improve. I was reading an article, 5 Ways to Build Confidence, and one of those five ways flew back into my brain as the pastor spoke. Act confident…fake it ’til you make it. Basically don’t give the other team anything body language-wise to build on. Even if you’re not confident walking into the batter’s box, fake it. Practice your walk so your body language always says “I’m gonna rip this ball.” So even if you have had bad body language in the past, you can begin to walk a new path in your brain. One of confidence, or at least perceived confidence, until the real stuff shows up.

This is just like our day-to-day lives as Christians. How many times have you not felt like praying or getting into God’s word? Kids, work, stress, negative thoughts — they all have that ability to create in us that “bad body language,” that feeling of there really is no point. Just like the opposing pitcher who sees someone walk into the batter’s box with slumped shoulders, Satan has got you. He will strike you out every time. So how can we possibly fake it ’til we make it in this situation?

It is so simple most of us just miss it. Do it anyway! Don’t let anything stop you. Sure, we aren’t all that grizzled veteran player on God’s team who gets up an hour early and spends quality time with the Lord. That’s OK. Do something — fake it ’til you make it to that point. You will get there, but that takes time. The more you let everyday life stop you from sharing in what God has for you, the easier that will become and eventually you will just say “hi” to God on Sunday.

So often I see players who just don’t want to be at practice. It happens they’d rather be on the couch or maybe Mom yelled at them before they left or maybe they’re just tired. It’s the players that muster up what it takes to put the work in anyway that become leaders on the team; they are the ones who really make a difference come game time. God doesn’t want us to just spend time with Him when we feel like it, but rather when we do and don’t feel like it! In Hebrews 10:36 the message is clear: “For you need endurance in order to do God’s will and so receive what is promised.” Endurance is fortitude and fortitude keeps going even when stress hits, or the kid is crying, or the boss is a pain or you just want that extra hour of sleep.

I get it. The day-to-day grind of being a Christian is hard. This blog is as much for me as anyone else. I suffer from all of the above and more, but the next time those negative thoughts creep in and I’m about to give up my time with the Lord, I’m going to think of neuroplasticity and keep driving forward until a new path is forged in my brain. I’m gonna fake it ’til I make it. Until next time, let 1 Chronicles 16:11 ring true for you, “Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.”

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2 thoughts on “Just Do It

  1. Great stuff here. I love the mind, body, spirit connections you’ve made across multiple sources. Keep posting, please.

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